
In this module, you will complete a full assessment of your own community. You may build upon this assessment in Community Health II by planning, implementing and evaluating a project within your community designed to address primary prevention of an identified health concern.

Defining the Community

Your community can be any geographically defined county, city, or town. Clearly delineate the following dimensions before starting the process of community assessment:

  • Describe the population that is being assessed?
  • What is/are the race(s) of this population within the community?
  • Are there boundaries of this group? If so, what are they?
  • Does this community exist within a certain city or county?
  • Are there general characteristics that separate this group from others?
  • Education levels, birth/death rates, age of deaths, insured/uninsured?
  • Where is this group located geographically…? Urban/rural?
  • Why is a community assessment being performed? What purpose will it serve?
  • How will information for the community assessment be collected?


After the community has been defined, the next phase is assessment. The following items describe several resources and methods that can be used to gather and generate data. These items serve as a starting point for data collection. This is not an all-inclusive list of resources and methods that may be used when a community assessment is conducted.

The time frame for completion of the assessment may influence which methods are used. Nonetheless, these items should be reviewed to determine what information will be useful to collect about the community that is being assessed. It is not necessary to use all of these resources and methods; however, use of a variety of methods is helpful when one is exploring the needs of a community.

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Full assessment of the community


The process of assessment of a community is an important process that allows for the identification of the needs of the community as well as the vulnerable population that is found in the community. This implies that there is a need for a public health individual or any health officers to have skills in community assessment. In the community assessment, one has to take into account the necessary data in the community including the number of people found in the community as well as the resources found in the community. The assessment helps in the process of planning on the best healthcare process that could be employed in the community. This paper provides a full assessment of Brooklyn in the New York community. 

Defining the Community

The population that is being assessed

The population that is being taken into account is the Brooklyn community. The focus of the investigation is to understand the people who are living in the community are supposed to get the best support on the necessary aspects of change. The efforts that are taken into account, in this case, are supposed to help in the advancement of the necessary measures for community aspects is to allow for planning. The people living in the community are more than 2.533 million and the largest population of people living in the community are the whites. 

Race(s) of this population within the community

Liebler et al. (2017) opine that from the information that is provided in the 2010 census, many racial communities are living in the community. The largest population of people that are living in the community are the whites who are recorded to be 49.5%. The second-largest race of people living in the community is the African Americans who are made up of 35.8% while the Asians are recorded to be 11.3%. The people living in the community are found to be speaking more than 200 languages. Hopkins et al. (2016) depict that the diversity that is seen in Brooklyn is a good example of the example of how multiculturalism in the US….

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