Module #2 Psychology Exploration Project instructions and grading rubric

Instructions for:  The Belmont Report and “Unethical Studies”

 For this paper please review and study the information included in our course materials about the Belmont Report.  The Belmont Report is referenced and explained in our posted videos and in our assigned reading.  You might also choose to do additional research on the Belmont Report.  Along with reviewing and studying the Belmont Report please also review, study, and learn about the six “unethical studies” listed below and on our study guide. These studies are included in our course videos and reading but you might choose to do additional research.  For this paper please choose TWO of the six “unethical studies” to focus on.  Then, analyze the two “unethical studies” you choose by applying the THREE main elements of the Belmont report to each of the two studies. Please bold the names of your studies and bold the three main elements of the Belmont report.  Be sure to clearly explain any ways in which you understand the studies you choose to be in conflict with the Belmont Report. Lastly, tell me whether you think the studies you choose were ethical or would be ethical to repeat/replicate.

Our six “Unethical Studies”

The Little Albert Study

The Monster Study (stuttering)

Stanley Milgram’s Obedience study

The Bystander Study by Darley & Latane

Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison study

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study

  1. Choose and briefly explain TWO of the “Unethical Studies” from our Study Guide.
  2. Identify and explain the three main elements of the Belmont Report.
  3. Analyze both of the studies you choose by applying the main elements of the Belmont Report.
  4. Clearly explain any conflict between the Belmont Report and your chosen studies.
  5. Bold the names of your studies and bold the three main elements of the Belmont Report.
  6. Tell me whether you think the studies you choose were ethical or would be ethical to repeat/replicate.

Solution Preview

TWO of the “Unethical Studies” from our Study Guide

One of the unethical studies selected is “The Monster Study (stuttering)”. The Monster Study was a stuttering experiment that was carried out in 1939 at the University of Iowa by Wendell Johnson. The experimentation was carried out on orphaned children. The number of children who were involved in the experiment was 22. With the experiment, it was found that half of the orphans received positive speech therapy while half of them hot a negative speech therapy and even ended up facing issues of speech imperfection (Leonard & Yarlagadda, 2019). 

Typically, the children ended up suffering from psychological issues with some even suffering from the rest of their lives. Irrespective of the fact that the results from the Monster Study were not published, there are available at the library at the University of Iowa. The information published was only by Mary Tudor who was the graduate student who experimented with the supervision of Wendell. Gartman (2019) depicts that irrespective of the actions of Wendell being unsanctioned, there are considered as the largest collection of scientific information. 

The other study that has been selected is “Stanley Milgram’s Obedience study”. This was an experiment carried out by Stanley Milgram at Yale University on obedience that one could have on authority. Precisely, the focus of the experiment is to see the actions that one takes when they receive instructions from those who are in a higher authority. The experiment was carried out on men who were required to administer an electric short to learners (Gibson et al., 2018).  In the experiment by entitled Stanley Milgram’s Obedience Study, there is a selection of men who have a certain level of education to see their acts when asked by the authority to do even if it influence the ability of an individual to act in the right manner….

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