
The purpose of this course project is for learners to explore how living nurses are making nursing history, apply lessons from nursing history, and analyze the impact of this project on nursing history today.

Overview of NR393 Course Project:

  1. There are three parts to the NR393 Course Project
    1. Phase 1: Selected Nurse Information due end of Week 1
    1. Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected Nurse due end of Week 3
    1. Phase 3: Reflection Paper due end of Week 6
  2. Carefully review the instructions, templates, and rubrics for each of the three parts of this Course Project
  3. Contact your instructor with questions

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Questions and Answers 

Question 1     

Name of Student: What are your favorite memories of nursing school from your Student days?

Tom Reese: There are memories from college that I can never forget one of which was the members of my class who were always collaborating in carrying out different activities that we were assigned. The amount of collaboration that I saw among my classmates was one of the steps that helped me to develop my skills in teamwork. The other memory is the first time that I got an opportunity to apply the lessons learned in the actual field. That is the time that we were having rounds in the healthcare facility and we were given responsibilities. It was such a wonderful time that I had to apply all the theories learned in class.

Name of Student: The one memory that I will never forget is the commitment of the tutors in the process of educating use. The tutors have always helped us to ensure that were have integrity with the assertion that if one has integrity when doing their work in class then they will be able to have integrity in the nursing profession.

Question 2     

Name of Student: How did your first year of RN practice compare to your nursing practice today?

Tom Reese: In the first year of practice, I was still with fear and unsure of what to do and hence I was always taking a long time in the process of decision making and some instances, I had to consult the help of the other RN who had more experience or from a physician. This has changed with time and at the moment, my practice is fast and I can be able to carry out my work without the need for any supervision this has allowed me to be able to be faster and efficient in my work. I could wish to tell you that at all times, progressive practice helps one improve their practice skills.

Name of Student: The one thing that was there in my initial years of practice is the dependence on others in that I always depended on others to be able to work effectively. Just like you, I was always unable to compete for a task without getting the assurance of the physician of the nurse leader. I was as well unable to help the patients fast and in some instances ended up wasting time but now I can be able to be a bit faster not very fast but I have improved…

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