Assessment data is a tool instructors can use to determine if students are meeting course or learning outcomes. Assessments can be utilized in many ways, such as student practice, student self-assessment, determining readiness, determine grades, etc. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze sample test statistics to determine if student learning has taken place.

To address the questions below in this essay assignment, you will need to use sample statistics provided in the textbooks. For Questions 1-4, use the sample test statistics in Chapter 24 of Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty. For Questions 5-9, use Chapter 11 in The Nurse Educator’s Guide to Assessing Learning Outcomes.

In a 1,000-1,250 word essay, use the sample statistics data from the textbooks to respond on the following questions:

  1. Explain what reliability is. Based on the sample statistics, is this test reliable? What evidence from the statistics supports your answer?
  2. What trends are seen in the raw scores? How would an instructor use this information?
  3. What is the range for this sample? What information does the range provide and why is it important?
  4. What information does the standard error of measurement provide? Based on the data provided, does the test have a small or large standard error of measurement? How would an instructor use this information?
  5. Explain the process of analyzing individual items once an instructor has analyzed basic concepts of measurement.
  6. If one of the questions on the exam had a p value of 0.76, would it be a best practice to eliminate the item? Justify your answer.
  7. If one of the questions on the exam has a negative PBI for the correct option and one or more of the distractors have a positive PBI, what information does this give the instructor? How would you recommend the instructor adjust this item?
  8. Based on the sample statistics, has student learning taken place? Justify your answer with data.
  9. Based on the sample statistics, what steps would you take to improve learning?

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Assessment data


The process of data assessment as per Zaveri et al. (2016) is evaluating the level of effectiveness of the procedures that are used in education. In this case, the process involves assessing the effectiveness of the procedure that is used in the education of nurses. The evaluation intends to ascertain whether there is a consideration of the sample objectives set and the approaches that are used in the process of teaching. This paper seeks to assess whether the learning of the student has taken place by analysis of the sample test statistics.


Belotto (2018) defines reliability as the level of consistency of provided data or results when one repeats a procedure more than one time. This is measured by making use of a reliability coefficient with the normal reliability of data expected to be between 0.70 and 0.80. Any data that has the reliability that is less than 0.7 is considered to be unreliable with the reliability being considered to be approaching 100% if the reliability coefficient approaches 1.0. The data that is presented is reliable since the reliability coefficient is found to be 0.84….

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