As the HR Manager at Berkley Innovative Technologies, you have been developing a new training manual for employees. Now, the CEO has expressed her concerns about differing religious beliefs in the workplace. She wants to be certain that the organization is up-to-date and compliant with the current legislation on the books as it applies to religious diversity. For this section of the training manual, you will focus on educating the organization’s leaders and supervisors as well as the employees on religious discrimination issues in the workplace as they relate to current legislation.

Diversity Training Manual: Part IV (2–3 pages)

Pick three religious groups you will examine. Some examples are as follows:

· Orthodox Judaism

· Hinduism

· Catholicism

This section of the training manual should include the following information:

· Provide an explanation of the Civil Rights Act, Title VII 1964 legislation, dealing specifically with the meaning of reasonable accommodation for religious practices. Review the following resources to assist you with this step:

· Web site 1: Civil Rights Act of 1964

· Web site 2: EEOC Compliance Manual, Section 12

· For each of the 3 religious groups you selected, describe and explain the following:

· Include at least 2 religious practices that could easily be accommodated by management without any hardship for the company.

· Include at least 2 practices that would be difficult to accommodate.

Diversity Training Manual: Part V (2–3 pages)

The CEO has asked you to gather information on one of the most controversial laws regarding diversity in the workplace. After careful review of the laws, you discovered that affirmative action fits this criterion. History has shown that good intentions can sometimes have serious negative unintended consequences. For example, Title IV legislation was intended to give female athletes equal opportunities in sports. Unfortunately, the legislation shifted the discrimination away from female athletes and on to male athletes as many male programs were cut to accommodate the law. Your task for this section of the training manual is to answer the questions listed below outlining affirmative action legislation. Be certain to give attention to both the positive as well as the negative unintended consequences of this legislation.

Part V is to be titled: Affirmative Action

Write a 2–3-page section of your manual that summarizes the following points for part V of the training manual:

· What is affirmative action?

· What was the initial intent of affirmative action legislation?

· What did the landmark Bakke v. Regents case conclude? Be sure to cite your source.

· What was the basis for the conclusion?

· What are the positive and negative results of affirmative action legislation?

Diversity Training Manual: Part VI (2–3 pages)

Part VI is to be titled: Diversity Manual Summary

You will end your manual with a 2–3-page conclusion summarizing the main points in the manual. The conclusion should be an overview of all parts, I–V, of the manual that highlights all of the main points. You will need to review the U3 assignment submission to complete this assignment

Solution Preview

Diversity Training Manual


The diversity in a workplace should be understood by leaders to avoid any issues of conflict as affirmed by Roberson (2019). One of the factors that could bring in diversity in a workplace it religion. The variation in religion among members of staff in an organization could bring in challenges such as the challenges in the implementation of different goals and for the attainment of the mission and vision. The diversity in religion among the members of staff could bring in challenges for them to work with each other and hence calling for the healthcare providers to take up the need for implementation of specific needs of the population. This paper focuses on the legislation on diversity concerning religion at Berkley Innovative Technologies.

Explanation of the Civil Rights Act, Title VII 1964 legislation

 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a federal law that helps in the provision of protection for employees against any form of discrimination or their sex, race, color, their religion, or their nation of origin. Civil Rights Act, Title VII of 1964 has provided the requirements that any employee cannot discriminate against anyone in any way concerning the privileges that they have concerning the employment (Weiss, 2019). The areas that may result in a violation of this section is concerning the process of recruitment, hiring, transfer of employees, disciplining of employees, assignment of work to the employees, or the process of measuring performance.

The provision in Title VII is applicable for both the private and the public companies that have employed more than 15 employees. The employees are supposed to be treated equally at all times irrespective of their differences. This implies that even with the differences in religion among the employees, there is a need for ensuring that they are treated equally. The employment decisions are as well made with the consideration of the aspects of this act and irrespective of the religion of an individual, there is a need for avoidance of any issues of stereotyping them concerning their religion….

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