This assignment is due on Monday of Module/Week 6, 11:59 pm (EST).

Reflect on your performance in this class, at your job, in your home or ministry.  
How have you displayed the following dispositions: Social Responsibility, Commitment/Work Ethic, Reflection, Integrity, and Professionalism?    

You will write five brief paragraphs (50-100 words each) describing how you have demonstrated or practiced each of the School of Education SCRIP dispositions (Social Responsibility, Commitment/Work Ethic, Reflection, Integrity, and Professionalism) in your own personal and professional life.  If you have questions about the definitions, please see the Dispositions documen

The five paragraphs should be written in a Word document, then each paragraph should be copied and pasted into the appropriate question in the SCRIP Assessment in Blackboard.    

Solution Preview

School of Education SCRIP dispositions

For the case of having a social responsibility I have been able to show empathy and sensitivity by being there for all the other learners and I have been able to learn of the need for understanding the others. The other thing that I have done in social responsibility is that I have been part of the team to help in the motivation of students on their education and career choices. I belied that all the students in the school play a critical role in society and can learn about anything they are taught. Concerning the commitment and work ethics, there are various things that I have done including the fact that I have always been responsible persons and hence I take the responsibility when my work calls for it. In this case, I have always ensured that when I an assigned any task I always complete without fail. This has been my passion irrespective of the challenges that are faced I have always ensured that I persevered to ensure that each of the students learns like a person and understands. I have also taken into account the need for having discipline in my work…

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