As part of the discussion this week, you made a brief exploration of a work of art to understand its subject, meaning, and intent. In this assignment, you will explore an artwork in more depth to consider the context in which it was created. Choose any painting, and address the following:

  • Explain the artistic movement associated with the work of art.
  • Describe the style of the artist (How is the artist unique within the movement?)
  • Examine in some depth the influences that shaped the work. Address at least 2 of the following:
    • Stylistic influences
    • Subject/content influences
    • Cross-disciplinary influences such as literature, philosophy, music, science, technology, etc.
    • Historical influences
    • Political influences
  • Reflect on your learning.
    • How did your research enhance your appreciation of the artwork?
    • How does understanding the context of a work help in interpreting it?

Include the following in your paper:

  • Name of the painting
  • Name of the artist
  • Date created
  • Image of the painting

Solution Preview

Exploration of a work of art


The work of art that is taken into account is “The Starry Night”. This is a painting that was made by Vincent Van Gogh in 1889 and it depicts the view of the window that faced the east where there was an asylum. The paining indicates a date that is just before sunrise. The work of art is a permanent collection that is found in New York at the Museum of Modern Art. Matsuda and Barton (2019) depict that The Starry Night has been in the museum since 1941. The focus of this paper is to discuss the work of art. 

The artistic movement associated with the work of art

The work of art was made during the post-impressionist period. The work of art is one of the finest works that were done by Gogh who was a post-impressionist painter. During the time, there were different ways of keeping or recording information and one of the ways that were useful for the process of information recording ways by making use of paintings. The paintings were as well a way of keeping the culture of the people and was useful for entertainment purpose. The work of art helps in the provision of a view of the surrounding at a certain time of the day….

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