Case Study 2: Week 4

Watch the first three minutes of the video below before starting the case studies for this week.

What is the difference between social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia?

1.      Client C is a 30-year-old female who reports having a longtime issue with leaving her home. She is extremely fearful of experiencing a panic attack in public. She reports that these feelings started after a mugger attacked her.  Now every time she tries to leave her home she begins to have a panic attack or worries that she will have one. She denies having any flashbacks or nightmares of the mugging, but the thought of going outside her home fills her with such fear, she feels she just can’t do it. She has no problems with people coming to visit her and is often the host of dinner parties for her friends.

2.      Client D is a 27-year-old male who reports feeling uncomfortable in social situations. Lately he has started to avoid going out with friends because the interaction with others causes such nervousness that it is easier to just not go. He recently changed jobs because he couldn’t handle the sales calls he had to make to clients. He changed divisions and now only has to send emails, which he is much more comfortable with. His dating life has suffered because he has had difficulty engaging in conversation with new people. He reports feeling anxiety whether he will be interacting with a group or only one other person.  He feels overwhelming worry thinking about whether others will judge him or think poorly of him.  He reports that his family has complained that he rarely visits them anymore. When questioned further as to why he has stopped visiting, he says his siblings are all married and conversing with their spouses is difficult.

After reading the case studies, answer the following questions in an essay format of at least 250 words. Ensure you have an introduction, body, and conclusion.

·         What is the diagnosis for each scenario presented this week?

o   Include a detailed justification for the diagnosis. When you provide the justification, make sure to describe the symptoms the individual has that meet the diagnostic criteria of that disorder.

·         What is an appropriate treatment option for the individual scenarios?

o   Include a detailed justification for the treatment option selected.  When you provide justification for the treatment option, use information from the lectures or supplemental resources to explain why that treatment is appropriate for the individual and/or their diagnosis.

Solution Preview

Case Study 2: Week 4


The two patients taken into account, in this case, are client C, and client D. The first client has issues with leaving her house with the feat of panic attacks. This started when she encountered a mugger and has been fearful but welcomes others to her house for parties. Client D, on the other hand, has issues with socializing with people and has even ended up changing jobs to avoid talking to clients directly has changed to the division that is involved in sending emails. He even feats speaking to his sibling’s spouses and hence has not been visiting his family member. The focus of this paper is to assess the two client cases concerning social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia.

Diagnosis for each scenario presented this week

The diagnosis of client C is that she is suffering from agoraphobia. This is a health condition where one has fear, becomes anxious, or will focus on avoiding situations such as being in open space, being out of them out, or even being in enclosed spaces (Bakker et al., 2017)….

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